About Logisto

Who we are, what we love and what we offer

Logisto was set up by people that are passionate about (you could say love!) logistics, with 3 simple aims in mind:

  • To provide a Knowledge Centre for people to better understand logistics and the services that help to keep the world (and our goods) moving
  • To provide the UK’s most detailed directory of logistics providers to help visitors find, engage and work with the best suppliers in the country
  • Provide you with the option of a monthly subscription to ‘Logisto support’, our expert Logistics Procurement support programme, giving you access to professional procurement consultants but without the overheads of permanent staff or contractors

We know that it will take time to grow our Knowledge Centre and expand the Logisto Directory, but we have been working tirelessly (and will continue to do so) to ensure that both become as comprehensive as possible.

If there are areas that you would like to read about that are not currently covered in the Knowledge Centre or you require support identifying potential suppliers in the Logisto Directory, then please reach out to us via our contact page and we will be happy to help.

Thank you and we hope you find Logisto a very beneficial website and that it helps you fall in love with logistics!

James and the Logisto Team

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